Welcome to Monterey Song School

Whether you're just starting out with music or have been playing for years, whether you’re 8 or 85, you have a story, and that’s where we start.

The Monterey Song School sets itself apart by gearing its curriculum towards composition rather than learning repertoire. There is no better way to start a musical journey than by really getting invested. There’s no better way to get invested than by using your music to create a vessel for your own expression.

In all of our lessons, we combine technique and theory with original composition. This allows our students to be driven by the desire for self expression rather than the desire to be “just like Taylor Swift” or “just like Harry Styles”. The truth is… the world already has Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, but they’ve never had a chance to hear YOU. People connect with any artist based on who that artist is and what they bring to that persons life. The thing that makes that artist valuable to the world is WHO the artist is, not how great they dance, or how well they sing. It’s the person behind the music that makes the music human.

We design every lesson around the individual, and work with people as young as 8 years old. If you’re not sure which of our programs would suit you the best please feel free to schedule a consultation or an intro lesson, and we can get you started right.

Click Here to find out more about our Current Offerings

Click Here to schedule an intro lesson or a phone consultation