Current Offerings

Office Hours

One on One Private Music Lessons with George Woods.

Rates vary based on the length and location of the lesson and start at $80 per session. There are package discounts available.

George teaches private instruction for various instruments, styles, and skills.

Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Voice, and DAW production software.

Styles: Pop, Jazz, Funk, Rock, Folk, Singer/Songwriter, Indie, Country and pretty much anything but classical.

Skills: Performance technique, tour planning, Artist Brand consultation, Songwriting, Mixing, Recording, and more.

If you are seeking instruction on piano or another instrument or service we can refer you out to our short list of awesome instructors.

Schedule a $50 trial lesson now!

lessons can be performed at the Monterey Song School home studio, online via zoom, or in your home if you live in Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, carmel-by-the-sea, or seaside, California. There is an additional fee for in home lessons. There are also discounts available for committing to weekly lessons. 
Click here to read our cancelation policy

Songcrafting Classes

Songcrafting classes are where you go to learn all of the fundamentals of song construction. Songwriting is the marriage between words and music, such that each becomes more than the sum of its parts. The class is guided by a fundamental philosophy. “Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Make sure they heard what you meant.”

In this course you will learn how to balance all of the elements of a song to really truly communicate your messages and stories with the world in an impactful way.

By the time you finish a Songcrafting Course you will:

  • have several techniques to generate new ideas.

  • be able to write using various song forms.

  • be able to make your songs hit harder where they need to, and get your point across better.

  • be able to finish that half finished tune thats been nagging you from your voice memos for like the last 2 years.

Classes are available online or in person in Monterey, California and they run once a season. Previous musical experience is a plus but not required. Space is limited so be sure to secure your spot! Click the button below to learn more.

Zero to EP Program

Everyone has a story, and someone else who needs to hear it. This program is a weekly intensive lesson designed to give you all of the skills required to get your stories out into the world on your own.

If you passionately sing in the shower whilst dreaming of being on stage, but you don’t feel like you have the confidence, or perhaps the knowhow, to do something about getting yourself out there, then this made for you.

By the time you finish the Zero to EP program you will:

  • have at least 3 Finished tracks ready for distribution.

  • understand the full recording and production process.

  • be able to build a release plan and schedule.

  • be able to execute fundamentals of recording, and mixing.

  • have a solid understanding of branding and demographics.

  • be able to write, edit, arrange, and record your own material going forward.

There is a half hour interview process required to begin the program and it is offered free of charge. Click the button below to learn more about pricing and let’s schedule a call!

Ukulele Class @ Wendi Kirby Music

With a low barrier to entry, from a technique and cost perspective, Ukulele is the perfect beginners instrument.

This class is designed for people who are just starting their musical journey, and want to have the fun and accountability of a group environment.

We will start small and then gradually level up until you’ll feel confident enough to start looking up the chords to your favorite songs and sing along with the track.

You Are the music

Not sure where to go or what to do? no Problem. We’ll work it out in person.